30 years post Fontan

wpengine   |   November 11, 2019

Lisa Hemming is a 33 year old CHD survivor and patient advocate. She has Tricuspid Atresia, TGA, ASD, VSD, and Coarctation of the Aorta. She has had four open heart …

Erica Thayer   |   July 11, 2018

A Mother’s Intuition Emory Lee was born with an ASD and VSD – meaning there are holes in the upper and lower chambers of his heart. His parents, Tamara and …

Tyler Thayer   |   April 29, 2016

Not all Congenital Heart Defects are detected before birth. Depending on the severity, some defects may go undetected for days, months, or years after birth. No matter how old a …